Lung Cancer Screening
Schedule a Lung Cancer Screening
Yearly lung cancer screening is a preventative health check recommended for those who meet all of the following criteria, even if you are not experiencing lung cancer symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, etc.):
- 50 to 80 years old
- Current smoker or have quit within the last 15 years
- Heavy smoker or used to be a heavy smoker (minimum 20 “pack years”)
Screening is done using a low radiation dose CT scan in order to catch early stage tumors.
Medicare and most private insurance plans now cover the screening costs for high-risk patients.
If you are interested in the screening program, please contact (773) 564-LUNG (5864).
Need Help?
Learn more about support groups at Weiss Memorial Hospital.
4700 N. Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60640 Strauss Cancer Center